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CRW Privacy Policy

Effective 26 February 2024

Privacy is important. We value that you have visited us online, and we thank you in advance for trusting us to receive any of your personal information. With the information you share with us, we aim to provide the best experiences and services to you and other users. 

Our Privacy Policy, set out below, describes what personal information we collect from you, how we collect it, why we do so, and how we handle it when you visit our website, download the CRW app, receive your CRW card, or otherwise engage with us. This includes in-person events and activities and information about you we receive from third parties. It also sets out your rights and choices regarding these matters. We encourage you to read it. 

By using our website, app, or services, you acknowledge that you consent to this Privacy Policy. If you disagree with our Privacy Policy, please cease browsing our website or app, and do not provide us with any personal information. 

Who is CRW?

CRW is the group connection and experience app owned, developed and operated by No More Rocks Pty Ltd (ACN 674 742 020). This Privacy Policy applies to personal information provided to CRW or any associated entity (collectively, ‘we’, ‘us’, or ‘our’). We are subject to the Privacy Act (Cth) 1988 (‘Privacy Act’) requirements and shall take all reasonable steps to secure your personal information and prevent its misuse. 

Scope of Personal Information Collection

Personal information includes information that identifies you and may enable us to contact you. Such personal information will be collected only when voluntarily provided to us. In particular, we collect personal information from you when you use our website or app, send an online form to us, make an application to receive our services, request information about our products or services, or ask a CRW representative to contact you. 

CRW may collect personal information such as names, addresses, IP addresses, and browsing information to understand how you came to our website or downloaded our app. In addition, our website (or website host) may use cookies to collect and store information. Cookies are pieces of information that a website sends to your device while you are viewing the website. You can turn off cookies through your browser settings, although this may affect our services.

As a group connection app, CRW may collect more private information than a standard website or app to provide you with services of value. This may include social media account details, lifestyle and potential partner preferences, photographs, places and activities of interest, and other ad hoc personal information you agree to share with us. Importantly, for security reasons, we may confirm your identity through verification processes from identity verification and fraud prevention providers. Usage of our website, app or services represents your consent to such security checks. 

Information regarded as sensitive under the Privacy Act, such as sexual preferences, shall be the subject of explicit consent and handled in accordance with the requirements of that law.

Use of Personal Information

We limit information collection to the extent reasonably required to fulfil our legitimate business purposes in line with your requests. We may disclose your personal information to affiliates when permitted by law or with your permission. For purposes for which we may disclose your personal information include identity authentication, processing product or service applications, responding to your information requests, sending you marketing materials, newsletters or other periodic updates. Curated marketing or promotional materials from our experience partners, retailers, restaurants, or affiliates form a core part of CRW services, and personal information will be used to provide such information. We do not share your information with unaffiliated third parties for advertising or non-curated marketing purposes. We may share certain information about you with other users to enable them to contact you, in line with our service permissions, to potentially meet or communicate about events or activities. 

We may share your personal information with payment service providers to facilitate payments you make for services provided by or via CRW. 

Additional disclosure of personal information may be made to our contractors, suppliers, and service providers, including IT service providers that enable us to provide products or services to you, distributors of electronic marketing communications, and legal and business advisers.

Importantly, we may need to disclose personal information to relevant authorities to comply with various laws and regulations or in accordance with court requests. This may include disclosure in connection with suspicions of child labour, trafficking or abuse, domestic abuse, sexual violence, or other serious crimes in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Your Privacy Rights

You have certain rights regarding your personal information, including the right to:

  1. Access: Request access to the personal information we hold about you.

  2. Correct: Request the correction of inaccuracies in your personal information.

  3. Delete: Request the deletion of your personal information.

  4. Object: Object to the processing of your personal information under certain circumstances.

  5. Portability: Request to transfer your personal information to another organisation in certain formats.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. Any changes will be posted on our website with the revised effective date.

Questions or concerns?

If you have questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or your personal information, please email us at

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner is another avenue for complaints should you be dissatisfied with our responses to you:

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