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Always Stay Safe 

Nothing is more important than the safety of our community. Specific steps should be taken to prioritise your safety while using CRW.

Keep your information private

Never include your last name, home address, phone number, place of work, email address, or any other identifying information in your profile. Stop communicating with anyone who pressures you for personal or financial information or attempts to trick you into revealing it, and report it to us immediately.

Never share your financial information, such as your passport, Medicare, Social Security, credit card number, or bank information, with people you do not know. Please don't send money to strangers or someone who claims to be in an emergency; report such requests to us immediately.

Fraud & Scam Awareness

Beware of fake profiles, fake pictures, requests for money, people claiming to be "out of the country" and in need of financial assistance, hardship stories and stories that don't add up, odd messages that could be templates, travel plans and scanned visas, quickly asking to talk or chat on an outside email or messaging service, vanishing mysteriously from the site, then reappearing under a different name. Don’t send money to people because they ask you – they are likely scammers.

Report suspicious users

Please report to us anyone who falls into the below categories or who you think has misbehaved on CRW.

  1. Anyone who seems to be under the age of 18

  2. Fake profiles

  3. Sending offensive messages

  4. Attempting to sell products or services

  5. Asking you for money or donations

  6. Offering you a job opportunity

  7. Directing you to other websites or a pornographic site

  8. Misbehaving after meeting in person

Meeting in Person

Although meeting new people is exciting, be alert and take adequate precautions. You are responsible for ensuring that any relationship with one of our users is legal, and you should remain cautious. We don't currently verify the criminal background of our users. 


Take your CRW with you

Aside from being fun and relaxing, meeting as CRWs provides a safer environment for get-togethers. This allows you to learn more about an individual before you decide on one-on-one meetings.

Get to know others sufficiently before meeting in person

In addition to CRW meetups, get to know somebody through conversations and messaging before deciding to meet in person. 

Choose public areas

We recommend that your first meeting be in a public setting with many people present and that meetings in a private or remote area be avoided.

Keep your mobile phone on

Keep your mobile phone on and remain in an area with sufficient reception.

Take yourself to and from the first meeting

Take your transportation to and from the date. Do not let the other person you meet pick you up at your home or place of work.

Check-in with family, friends or your CRW

When heading out to meet someone new (or relatively new), let people who are important to you know who you are meeting, where you are going, and when you expect to finish. They’ll probably want to hear your fresh partner story anyway!

Overall, please use your best judgment and common sense. We care about the safety and security of our members.

Questions or concerns?

If you have questions or concerns about your safety, please get in touch with us by email at

Please remember that a report to CRW about another member’s conduct is never a substitute for reporting to the police where there is a concern that a crime has been committed or attempted. 

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